Even though I'm not a all day homemaker I do have a home and I can't wait until I can be in it all the time! So here goes!
The weather in my neck of the woods:
Beautiful blue skies and even better big white fluffy clouds! It's suppose to get up to 81 today! Woo Hoo! Good thing I grabbed a fan for the office today!
One of my simple pleasures:
Curling up with a nice thick book!
On my bedside table:
Book of Mormon and my DS. (I'm waiting for the 4th book in the Work and the Glory series to come! I bought it on half.com and it hasn't arrived yet.)
On my TV:
We don't have TV, but I'm watching the prison break series on line. I like the first season the best so far! Oh and we're heading to my Mother in Law's house tonight so **HOPEFULLY** we get to watch the Bachelorette! I hope She sees through Wes!! I really don't like him! I wish Michael had stayed... not sure about Ed being back... we'll have to see.
On the menu for tonight:
My sister in law is bringing dinner over to my in laws so I'm not sure.
On my To Do List:
Exercise (run at least 4 miles...), finish the binding on Mil's quilt, find out what's taking my book so long to get here, and maybe plan a Lia Sophia open house...
New Recipe I tried last week:
I was thinking nothing but I did try on Saturday Ranch style steak kabobs and watermelon-lemonade. (I'll post the recipe after this.)
In the craft basket:
Mil's quilt and Luke's jersey quilt
Looking forward to:
Trip to Las Vegas in Sept!!!!!!
Homemaking Tip for this week:
You can increase the hours in a day if you get up a few minutes early!
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
My cousin Jade's post for the fourth. Her brother did a tour in Iraq. It was hard on EVERYBODY! But we are very glad he's back! She posted some pictures of him coming home, my favorite is his daughter giving him their first hug in over a year! It's too sweet, she such a daddy's girl!
Favorite photo from last week:

Lesson learned the past few days:
You are the limit to the blessing you can receive!!!!!
On my Prayer List:
My Husband
My family
My mother in law as she goes through some health issues (Please let her continue to be positive!)
My father in law as he takes care of my mother in law.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
D&C 82:10 (I couldn't get this scripture out of my mind yesterday, everything reminded me of it!)
I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise.
Camille I'm so glad you're joining in and thank you for the kind words, you are so sweet :)
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your list.
Have a Blessed week.
welcome aboard! beautiful rose. have fun in vegas!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to your first Homemaker Monday! It is a nice way to get to know other bloggers. I like finding out things about other ladies & how they run their own homes.